Munich Cup 2010
After taking part in pre-novice class last year, we tried to compete in novice at Munich Cup 2010.
It was a great weekend , meeting a lot of happy & friendly people, gathering together to pursue their hobby – work & have fun with the dogs.
Task 1: Mark Bettinson.
Marking (40m) uphill with changing terrain
Lou oriented on the shot coming from the right, so she missed the mark.
Although I never handled her before, she believed me several times, but in the end she missed the dummy by 5 meters.
0 points – but a really happy me – Lou did a great job!!
Task 2 : Roger Tozer...
Single walkup, Mark and memory (40 m ) slightly downhill – very few scent because of strong rain the days before.
Lou showed really fine heelwork, marked well and picked the dummy precise.
Memory was not a problem either.
20 ( minus 3 points for me , making a little shout of joy – noisy handling 🙂 )
= 17 points
Task 3: Jamie Bettinson.
3 dummies thrown with 2 shots (40m) – slightly uneven meadow – 2 dummies have to be retrieved
Lou went not far enough to find, after sending her „back“ she finally found .
10 points
Task 4: B.Schwieren/D.Böhmer
watermark (20m)
No spitting out , no shaking – well done little girl!
20 points
Task 5: M. & L. Stringer
Single walkup an mark into the reeds (40m)
Lou missed the mark by a few meters, running a path that all the other dogs made working in the reeds.
After some handling she found it and retrieved.
15 points
So we finished the day wit one 0 and 62 points .
What a nice and educational weekend for both of us!
We look forward to Munich Cup 2011!!!
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