face the north…1/5

A quite rare thing – me without my dogs. But it happened. Together with my friend Tina we did a 3-day trip to Oslo/Norway!

All Pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.
2nd of December 9 AM – LH 2450 to Oslo

Flughafen München

Trucks moving the snow...

Although the weather was really bad with lots of snow, our plane left Munich on time.


waiting area

LH 2450 to Oslo

LH 2450 to Oslo

LH 2450 to Oslo

LH 2450 to Oslo

LH 2450 to Oslo

LH 2450 to Oslo

After a 20 min. ride with the „Flytoget“ train we arrived at oslo central station „Oslo Sentral Stasjon“

Oslo Sentral Stasjon

first view on Oslo

Oslo Sentral Stasjon

Oslo Sentral Stasjon

view along Karl Johans gate - a big shopping mile ,the royal castle in the background

again Karl Johans gate

the parliament "Stortinget"

the national theater

Nobel peace centre

Julemarked at the townhall place, treats wherever you look...

tent of a nomadic tribe "Samen"

fireplace in the tent

lucky me - having a limited amount of money with me!!

to be continued….!

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