new year show Herrenberg
5 Meallan kids meeting in Herrenberg!
Three A’s (Penny, Allan,Chaser) und 2 B’s (Moss, Meallan) entered the new year show in Herrenberg.
Moss was flying in the ring with Silke (Thank you so much!) , but sadly didn’t match the judges taste .
His sibling Meallan did better and got – although badly out of coat – excellent with a lovely critique. Congratulations to Karin & Meallan !!
Our „goldboys“ Allan und Chaser were excelelnt shortlisted best 7 dogs out of a huge open class of 20 entries !
I’m SO proud of you !
Last but not least little Penny,who did very well and got excellent 3rd out of a strong open class of 20 dogs!
Minimouse – I’m proud as I can be !
Nicely constructed with a pleasing head and dark eye. Elegant neck flowing into a good topline. Good layback of shoulder. Nice bone and tight feet. Strong quarters, moved with good enthusiasm.
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