Thank you….

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

(irish blessing)

Thank you from the heart to all of you sharing the last year with us:
friends, puppyowners, helpers, the ones keeping fingers crossed for us, comforters and visitors.
We wish you a blessed christmas and are looking forward to meet you in 2014.

Music: (Peter Rudenko) / CC BY 3.0

Meallan Ard Jackton…

„Chaser“  makes us proud getting his breeding premission! Well done!

Hips: A2/B1
: 0/0
: clear 06/13
: Genotype N/N clear (by parents)
: Genotype N/N clear (AHT)
:Genotype N/N clear (AHT)

tests: BHP (VDH),Character-test
Show-Awards :
Jgd.-Winner Schwaben 2012
1x JCAC  – 1x JCAC Res. (VDH)

litter plans 2014

We are planning our next litter with Topas & Penny for spring 2014More informations about the parents on the planned litter page.

364 days without you…

„One more day without you is one more day closer to being with you.“

364 Tage ohne Dich….

„One more day without you is one more day closer to being with you.“

Meallan Ard Jackton ….

„Chaser“  macht uns sehr stolz und erhält die ZZL ohne Auflagen  im DRC!

HD: A2/B1
ED: 0/0
RD/PRA/HC: frei/clear 06/13
PRCD_PRA: Genotyp N/N frei/clear (durch Eltern/by parents)
GR_PRA1 : Genotyp N/N frei/clear
GR_PRA2 :Genotyp N/N frei/clear
Formwert/conformation: vorzüglich/excellent

Show-Awards :
Jgd.-Sieger Schwaben 2012
1x JCAC  – 1x JCAC Res. (VDH)

Penny erhält die Zuchtzulassung

Grund zur Freude: Unsere Bonsai-Penny  hat ihre Zuchtzulassung im DRC erhalten !

Damit steht unserer Reise in die Schweiz zu Topas nichts mehr im Wege –
und wir freuen uns schon sehr auf die ersten Bonsaikinder.