Mittelfrankenschau Markt Bibart

Wir verbrachten unseren Tag auf einer wirklich toll organisierten Ausstellung des GRC in Markt Bibart und Lou wurde von Richterin Lindsey Maynard (GB) wie folgt bewertet: Weiterlesen

11 years…wise? Not a bit!

…thank god!!
Happy Birthday little sweetheart, go on turning somersaults in the garden for another 11 years …!

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.

(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

GRC show Markt Bibart

We spent our day at a a really nice show of the GRC and Lou was judged by Mrs. Lindsey Maynard (GB) :

well balanced quality bitch, in good head condition, good head with excellent pigment and a dark eye, good length of neck and good angulated shoulders, level topline, correct tailset, good bend of stifle, short neat hocks, straiding out well on the move and in full coat. -excellent 3 –

Thanks for the picture go to
Petra & Robert !

11 Jahre – und kein bißchen weise …

Happy Birthday mein Herzchen, auf weitere 11 Jahre Purzelbäume im Garten …
